Implanting Knowledge, Integrating Skills​.

Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to your questions. Discover insights about Clinicians Implant Academy dental implant training programs.

Who does Clinicians Implant Academy provide dental implant training for?

We provide training for experienced implant clinicians to augment their knowledge base and skill level. We offer three different training levels, Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced, to educate clinicians with varying levels of dental implant proficiency.

Where are the training sessions conducted?

Clinicians Implant Academy trainings are held at an Atrium Health Facility in Charlotte, North Carolina.

How can I book a training with Clinicians Implant Academy?

Browse our course catalogue to view and book upcoming courses. 

How much does the training cost?

The Basic (Level 1) course cost is $2,000; Intermediate (Level 2) course cost is $3,000; and Advanced  (Level 3) course cost is $3,500, per student.

For additional information regarding cost, please feel free to contact us

Additional questions about Clinicians Implant Academy?

Please feel free to contact us and we’ll be happy to assist you.


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